Team Spotlight: Fiona Rooney

Team Spotlight: Fiona Rooney

ABOUT ME I am the Net Zero Strategic Funding Lead At CATAGEN within the funding team. I support the development and implementation of CATAGEN’s funding strategy, and craft funding proposals that support the company’s growth and long-term vision.  What is...
Blog: Alternative fuels for Gensets

Blog: Alternative fuels for Gensets

By Dr. Andrew Pedlow, Principal Engineer, CATAGEN A report published by Acumen Research and Consulting indicates the health of the Genset industry. They predict a trend of an estimated 6.6% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2023 and 2032, with an estimated...

-WRITTEN BY: DR KURTIS IRWIN – VP OF GLOBAL CATALYSIS INTRODUCTION:  Euro 7 emissions legislation, which is currently being developed by the European Union, is expected to significantly tighten emissions standards for vehicles. This is likely to have an impact...