Hi, I’m Matthew Boyd, Senior Engineer at CATAGEN.
I am currently working on new technology development specifically on Hydrogen Dispensing and Compressing. I’ve been involved in all aspects of the project. I am responsible for ensuring the completion of research and report writing, system and control design, procurement, commissioning, and project management.
What is it like working at CATAGEN?
Reallly exciting! There is a lot going on with all the different projects on top of the core business and every month brings a different challenge to face. The team are brilliant, and everyone was so helpful when I joined to get me up to speed.

Which of the benefits that CATAGEN offer are your favourite?
Can’t beat CATAGEN lunch Fridays, good to see everyone from all the different teams come together for a laugh. Never a dull moment there.
Name three #hashtags that describe CATAGEN
What was the last programme/ box set you watched on TV?
Severance on Apple TV, great show, well worth a watch! Although we watch a new one every week it seems.
Name two things you love:
I Love watching and playing most Sports.
I do love a good boardgame, I am quite competitive.
Name two things you really dislike:
I am not a big fan of mornings at all and most people in work will tell you that!
I am not keen on most fruit either!
What are you looking forward to this year?
Work Related – Excited to get the high-pressure compression system testing after the success of the low-pressure prototype.
Personal – We don’t have any plans just yet but fingers crossed we will get away on a proper holiday! And hoping to complete the Man cave this year too!

Quickfire Questions
Sun Holiday or Snow Holiday – Snow
Night in or Night out – In
Car or Bike – Motorbike (I love my Motorbike)
LinkedIn or Instagram – LinkedIn
Reading a book or watching TV – TV

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