About Jacobs role

I am part of the Design Engineering team and my main focus currently is to create CAD models and drawings for the manufacture of the new technologies. 

What is your favourite thing about working at CATAGEN? 

The team that I work with, everyone is always keen to help and advise whenever they can and everyone is very committed to getting the job done. 

What does your average working day look like?

-Creating designs that accurately represent what is required 

-Talking with manufacturers to ensure everything is built as per designs and timelines to ensure targets are met. 

Can you share a fun or quirky fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?

At school a teacher told my parents I could talk for the Olympics – how things have changed.  

Name two things you love

Classic vehicles, whether its cars, bikes or tractors. I love the simplicity and the styling that you can’t get anymore 

-Motorbike racing 

Name two things you dislike

Mushrooms & hiking

Can you provide words of wisdom to any new employees that have started?

Don’t panic if you feel you don’t have an understanding of the systems, it’s all new, cutting edge technology so just ask questions around the teams. 

What are you looking forward to this year?

-Finally getting my house finished and moving in! 

-Seeing the designs for New Technologies come to life

What or who inspired you to pursue Engineering?

My dad and uncles, especially Roy! 

Why did you choose to be an Engineer?

When I was younger I was always taking things apart to see how they worked (mum was glad when I got older and was able to put them back together again) and working on cars with my dad and gained an appreciation for the design that goes into everyday items and solving the problems that can arise so felt like the right path. 

If you were not an engineer, what would you be?

Seeing as I spend most of my free time working on Cars, probably a mechanic. 

Which of the benefits that CATAGEN offer are your favourite?  

 The flexible working hours; it`s nice to be able to work around personal commitments and at home when needed. 

Name three #hashtags that describe CATAGEN




Quickfire Questions

Sun Holiday or Snow Holiday –  Sun

Night in or Night out – In

Android or iPhone  – iPhone

LinkedIn or Instagram  – Instagram 

Music or Podcasts – Music

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