As a Design Engineer my role at CATAGEN is to design and spec the mechanical components and engineering drawings for the new ClimaHtech technologies.  

What is your favourite thing about working at CATAGEN? 

I love working in an innovative engineering space that has a strong focus on teamwork. The company is growing, and I really love being able to fit into a nice slot that my work is meaningful and makes a difference! 

What does your average working day look like?

I start my day with my team’s daily scrum after this I make a cup of tea and then hit the desk. Each day is different depending on what we are designing for the team. I could be researching new materials for the machines, to creating the CAD models and drawing. I reach out to suppliers a lot to get specs and putting in orders for large components with long lead times. I also keep drawings of the full system up to date so everyone in the team know what we are working towards! 

Which of the benefits that CATAGEN offer are your favourite?  

Flexible working hours and location. I am from Dublin, so it allows me to work from home in Dublin if I must be there for a family event in the evening. People at CATAGEN also know we are all human and sometimes you need to book an doctor’s appointment or something during the working day. The hours at CATAGEN allow us to pop out for a bit as long as we stay on top of the project workload. 

Name three #hashtags that describe CATAGEN





Can you share a fun or quirky fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?

I have a weird obsession with lighthouses! 

Name two things you love

Sailing and travelling. 

I love meeting new people and learning about other cultures while travelling. I have also been a competitive sailor since I was a child and luckily this takes me around the world, so I get the best of both worlds. 

Can you provide words of wisdom to any new employees that have started?

I would say to a new employee to ask loads of questions and start discussions with people. Everyone at CATAGEN is super happy to discuss the new technology we are developing. There is so much going on so there is so much to learn and get involved in so don’t be scared just jump in and see what you get up too!

What are you looking forward to this year?

I am really looking forward to seeing my project come to reality and see the pieces physically come together.  
I am currently overcoming an injury so once I have, I look forward to learning a new skill, I would love to take up Windsurfing on Strangford Lough while I live up here! 

Why did you choose to be an engineer?

I can’t spell, an old sailing coach of mine who I looked up to a lot told me she was studying engineering in university because she couldn’t spell. I related to this but realised as I grew up, she meant she loved working with numbers. Since then, I have learnt more about engineering and realised that my brain was just made for it, I love numbers and visualising mechanisms. 

If you were not an engineer, what would you be? 

A sports coach, sailing probably 🙂 I actually love teaching people skills and seeing people improve. 

Quickfire Questions

Sun Holiday or Snow Holiday –  Snow

Night in or Night out – Night out

Android or iPhone  – Android

LinkedIn or Instagram  – Instagram 

Music or Podcasts – Podcasts

Reading a book or watching TV – Watching TV