About Michael’s role

Research and development engineer on the RDR E-Diesel Replacement Team. My main contributions are process control and aiding in machine builds complimented by my participation in the health and safety committee.

How long have you worked at CATAGEN?

Over 2 years

What is your favourite thing about working at CATAGEN? 

Variety – every day is different!

What does your average working day look like?

  • Admin in the morning 
  • Team meeting 
  • Design work 
  • Physical engineering 
  • Assisting the team 

Can you share a fun or quirky fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?

To stop me playing Ice Hockey my parents signed me up for Figure Skating, so I have certificates for that.

What are you looking forward to this year?

Personally, I am trying to get fitter, so will see how that goes. Work-related seeing the project come to fruition.  

Name two things you love

Holidays and playing guitar .

Name two things you dislike

Spiders and seeing Shipwrecks (underwater).

Can you provide words of wisdom to any new employees that have started?

Ask a lot of questions, everyone is happy to share their knowledge and help you out.  

What or who inspired you to pursue Engineering?

My general curiosity I think, tbh I have always wanted to fix things and solve problems, so engineering allows me to meet that want. 

Why did you choose to be an Engineer?

I fell into it, I liked math and chemistry and the Chemical Engineering course fitted both, never looked back. 

If you were not an engineer, what would you be?

Professional Snowboarder – more realistically probably a doctor or teacher.

Which of the benefits that CATAGEN offer are your favourite?  

 The flexible working hours; it`s nice to be able to work around personal commitments and at home when needed. 

Name three #hashtags that describe CATAGEN




Quickfire Questions

Sun Holiday or Snow Holiday –  Snow

Night in or Night out – In

Android or iPhone  – iPhone

LinkedIn or Instagram  – LinkedIn 

Music or Podcasts – Music

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