To clean and
decarbonise the air
In 2004, CATAGEN’s Co-Founders Dr Andrew Woods CEO and Professor Roy Douglas CTO at CATAGEN were researching automotive catalysis – the cornerstone technology in cleaning up the combustion process coming from an engine. They anticipated that air pollution was going to be a significant global problem in the future. They recognised that a more advanced toolset was required to understand the blackbox of catalysis which led to the development of the OMEGA Technology – a recirculating gas reactor with a synthetic gas mix.
Our unique OMEGA technology can reproducibly replicate engine flow rates, temperatures and gas compositions for the following configurations:
- Standard gasoline or diesel
- Hybrid powertrains
- E-Fuels, hydrogen combustion, biofuels, ethanol engines or natural gas engines
CATAGEN translate vehicle to virtual providing full scale independent automotive emissions solutions through advanced physical and virtual simulation.
The OMEGA technology produces repeatable and reproducible data to meet emissions standards, enabling informed confident decisions on your aftertreatment system.
CO2 emissions savings
Test to test variability
Up to 30% cost savings
On time Delivery

The OMEGA’s design and features and capability make it an unrivalled proposition for the complete ageing and characterisation of automotive catalysts.
The following capability outputs offer powerful business benefits.
Leading Quality Control
CATAGEN OMEGA machines have leading quality control over the testing process. The patented recirculating gas reactor technology ensures the ageing strategy is tightly controlled. Catalysts are aged to the desired and pre-determined targets.
Cost Certainty
Targets are reached at the first attempt meaning no expensive re-runs of tests with parts being destroyed.
CATAGEN have a proven reproducible process. CATAGEN can repeat an entire work package to the same levels of accuracy and repeatability from any point in time. The test recipes are installed and due to full traceability, system and sample installations are recorded, meaning that they can be re-created at any time to the same high resolution.
Unique process
The test process combined with the CATAGEN Ageing Metric* ensures that test parts experience the exact same ageing experiences even though they could be aged at different lengths of times and temperatures and gas concentrations.
*The CATAGEN Ageing Metric is a set of specific algorithms that quantify the ageing process in terms of the key primary and secondary ageing variables.