Non-Road (gasoline powered garden and lawn equipment)
We provide ageing services and testing to help OEMs meet emissions targets faster and with higher accuracy and flexibility. Our process delivers accurate and reproducible outcomes for useful life of applications requiring catalysts to pass emissions legislation.
We work with leading OEMS to develop future catalysts to meet emissions standards for new models. CATAGEN can provide Catalyst Ageing Services for any size of non- road engines such as:
- Lawnmowers
- Hand-Held Applications
- Forklifts
We can perform a range of accelerated ageing cycles to ensure your application meets emissions legislation for your go-to-market strategy.
We provide ageing services and testing to help OEMs meet emissions targets faster and with higher accuracy and flexibility. Our process delivers accurate and reproducible outcomes for Full Useful Life (FUL) and OBD Limits ageing.
We work with leading OEMS to develop future catalysts to meet emissions standards for new models. CATAGEN can provide Catalyst Ageing Services for any size of non- road engine such as lawnmowers, leaf-blowers, chainsaws including:
Accelerated Bench Ageing
Full Useful Life Test
Custom OEM Cycles

US – The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has adopted emission standards to control both exhaust and evaporative emissions from small spark-ignition engines. They state that nonroad engines contribute significantly to air pollution. The emission standards address oxides of nitrogen (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), particulate matter (PM), and carbon monoxide (CO).
EU – All engines are rated on emissions of Total Hydrocarbon (NOx), Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC), Carbon monoxide (CO) and Particulate Matter (PM). Manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure any new models conform to the new specification and therefore are compliant for sale in the EU.

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CATAGEN powered by 100% renewable energy