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We help OEMs meet emissions targets faster and with higher accuracy and flexibility with our unique OMEGA technology which can replicate engine flow rates, temperatures and gas compositions for any kind of engine. Accredited by UK Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) and Applus IDIADA.
We use our proprietary toolset (that has unrivalled levels of repeatability, accuracy and control globally) to provide our partners with unique data so they can develop their vehicles with the best calibration and thus optimised emissions.
We offer tailored services to support OEMs to meet emissions compliance, manage development issues with the catalyst ageing process and manage cost implications.

CATAGEN conduct all Catalyst Ageing and Characterisation at full scale on engine after-treatment systems using internationally patented technology; a Synthetic Gas Recirculating Reactor. The CATAGEN OMEGA & OMICRON Test Vehicles and the CATAGEN facility are approved by the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) and Applus IDIADA for Accelerated Catalyst Ageing. We have also supported OEMs with type approval for the US (EPA & CARB), Indian and Chinese regulators.
The CATAGEN Toolset can track the ageing experience in real time using the proprietary CATAGEN Ageing Metric. This metric can be used to quantify the total ageing experience for comparisions, test design and degradation history for physical and virtual development of aged parts. We can match your desired catalyst bed temperatures, emissions and mass flows exactly. Where possible, eliminating fuel expenditure and CO2 emissions.
The OMEGA Reactor offers accurate control of key aftertreatment testing parameters: temperature, flow rate and synthetic exhaust gas composition including various aftertreatment poisons.
Benefits include:
- High accuracy
- High repeatability
- Full scale aftertreatment
- Flexible Application Range– OMEGA not fixed to one application e.g., Gasoline or Diesel
- Energy & Costs– No fuel used in the process
- Reliability– Low failure risk
- Repeatability – Automation
- Characterisation Flexibility– Temperatures & flow rates
- Gas Composition – Various gases & poisons
- Full Toolset – Physical & Virtual
(Testing supported by exhaust emissions measurement suite – (Horiba MEXA One, MEXA 7000 series and MKS FTIR).

Supporting our partners obtain certification with

CATAGEN powered by 100% renewable energy